

Andrey Iskornev, M.D founded The Platinental clinic in 2001 in Moscow, Russian Federation. Back then he was a medical student graduate, the youngest entrepreneur and the youngest CEO in plastic surgery practice in Russia. 15 years later Andrey became one of the best known plastic surgeon and associate professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery in Russia. He is credited for developing the Harmonization procedures, a complex approach in facial reconstruction including deep study in aesthetic anthropometry and scientific perception of attractiveness. His clients include a wide range of Russian celebrities, business persons and politicians.

Andrey Iskornev was born in Moscow, moved to Los Angeles in the 2015 and now lives in between two countries still keeping his medical practice in Russia.

His inclination towards plastic surgery started at a young age when he saw his grandmother’s TV show “Return to Eden” where the young character of Rebecca Gilling was saved by the plastic surgeon after the alligator’s attack.

Andrey Iskornev received his medical degree from Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University in Moscow. Andrey did his residency at Russian National Research Surgical Center of Petrovsky, the leading scientific institution in Russia opened in 1846 and internationally known by hosting the meeting of Richard Milhous Nixon with russian scholars in 1972.

After completing his education, Dr. Andrey Iskornev started his own practice. He worked on his own techniques and studied both minimally-invasive and surgical procedures of facial rejuvenation. To develop his artistic skills in 2016 Andrey entered Yale Art school, New Heaven, US. He studied ethics features in facial attractiveness, averageness in different perception of beauty, human anthropometry and such disciplines as digital and basic drawing.

Andrey worked with the Devine proportions in facial features, described by Leonardo Da Vinci and Luca Pacioli. His studies and knowledge in this field formed the basis of lectures for medical students in The Pushkin Museum of Fine Art in Moscow.

Andrey Iskornev uses various laser technology, endoscopic methods, lipofiling and deep-plane SMAS techniques for facial rejuvenation anf reconstruction. He is one of the best known and experienced doctor for the male plastic surgery (reversive face lifting, micro-facial implants etc.).

Celebrity clients

Andrey Iskornev is the doctor for the entire Russian show business. Due to cultural distinctions of Russian society and public status of some of them no names could me mentioned here.

Professional membership

Andrey Iskornev is a current member of the leading international societies in plastic surgery such as ASPS, IPRAS, RSPRAS.


Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU), General Medicine

The B.V. Petrovsky Russian National Research Center of Surgery

Residency in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Microsurgery under supervision by the Professor, Dr. N.O. Milanov (President of the RUSSIAN SOCIETY OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGEONS)

Certificate in Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic, and Cosmetic Surgery from the International Medical Corporation Educational Center (Moscow, Russia)

A specialized course in Laser Medicine in Surgery from FGBU (the State Research Center of Laser Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency) (Moscow, Russia)

Certificate in Microsurgery from the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)

MBA from the Moscow International Higher Business School (MIRBIS)

FCE, CAE (Cambridge University English Language Examinations).

Paces Plastic Surgery & Recovery Center (Atlanta, Georgia)

Clinique Elysée Montaigne - Clinique de Chirurgie Esthetique (Paris, France)

Course in Volume Liposuction, Lipofilling, and Body Liomodelling (Milan, Italy)

Course in Microsurgical techniques for Scar Revision (Lugano, Switzerland)

Andrey Iskornev is a member of American society of plastic surgeons (ASPS), active member of International society of aesthetic plastic surgeons (ISAPS), international confederation of surgeons (IPRAS) and other professional unions including Canadian and Russian societies of plastic surgeons. Author of «Harmonization protocol» of aesthetic rejuvenation. Associate professor of department of plastic surgery in Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU)

The Platinental

The Platinental is a boutique clinic that not only provides you with professional, expert advice, but also provides 24 hour support via mobile application, The Platinental.

The most modern anesthetic equipment is used at The Platinental. Sophisticated computer monitoring technology is utilized while under anesthesia during the operation. The state of the the art German and American anesthetic equipment is operated by experienced anesthesiologists and therapists

We do not skimp when it comes to safety!

The Platinental Clinic is an official affiliate of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetology and Cellular Technologies at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU).

Instagram @andrey_iskornev